Sunday, July 15, 2012

Feels good to be back!

Well I guess I am officially back to work...after closing the spa in December 2011, I really didn't think I would be coming back.  I know God led us in the right direction of closing the business, don't get me wrong, it was a very confusing time for me.  I knew he had given me the passion for my work, I loved my job, loved my clients, I was just miserable every single day, and very stressed out.  I felt there was just too much responsibility on my shoulders.  How could I love what I do so much and yet be so stressed?  So, God began to deal with me about how far I took the business outside of what he had intended.  I was trying to please everyone but God.  It did not matter what I did or tried to do, nothing made anything any better.  The stress level just kept growing.  I literally began to phyically get sick, and I knew that something had to give.  I remember sitting at my Maw Maw's kitchen table and my mom said to me..."Have you considered closing the business?"  Well no, that thought had NEVER crossed my mind!  I didn't think I would ever close business.  God asked me to surrender, or give up trying to do things my way...I had to surrender the business to him in order for him to do it the way he wanted it to be done.  When we closed the business, I was prepared for move somewhere far, far away...missions somewhere in a foreign country...traveling the world...anything and everything but going right back to the business, but that is where he led me.  Back to work, and it feels good to be back:)